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I'm Ellen Dash, but you can call me puppy.

This is my attempt at working with the garage door up.

I decided to participate in December Adventure this year.

This is the first time I'd heard of December Adventure, and I like the idea a lot more than the Advent of Code — it just meshes better with how my brain works.

So, today, I started by setting up a system to make it as easy as possible to document my progress.

I decided to create a static microblog website, inspired by Debian Micronews.

The way it works is:

Posts are freeform HTML, with no need for using <br> or <p> or anything like that.

You can see the original source for this post and then view the source of this page to prove it!

Basically, CSS is magic. Specifically white-space: break-spaces;.

I then made a bookmarklet which gets the current date and time, then opens GitHub's "new file" page with the filename filled out already.

My problem with blogging is if I have to switch to a different repo, pull out a text editor, etc... it starts feeling like an Endeavour™.

And if it becomes an Endeavour™, I start putting a lot of effort into it — which promptly backfires, because I don't have the motivation to drive it to completion.

Because I want to work on the thing, not write about the thing.

So I made it as ADHD-friendly as I could, in hopes of mitigating this.


I just went to Firefox, opened a bookmark, and started typing. WAY lower friction.